We began class on a very snowy day at Princeton, along with our favorite books...

All of us together on Princeton's snowy campus. It snowed a lot on our first day. We were on Zoom, trying to imagine ourselves together and learning Photoshop. I'm thankful to my friend, designer, and fellow
      Princeton prof Laura Coombs for letting me adapt her 'class photo' activity.
[All of us together on Princeton's snowy campus. It snowed a lot on our first day. We were on Zoom, trying to imagine ourselves together and learning Photoshop. I'm thankful to my friend, designer, and fellow Princeton prof Laura Coombs for letting me adapt her "class photo" activity.]

After twelve weeks, and many webpages and readings and class sessions later, spring somehow emerged...

A screenshot of us on our last day in Zoom, you see 10 rectangles of everyone smiling, with springtime grass in the background
[A screenshot of us on our last day in Zoom, you see 10 rectangles of everyone smiling, with springtime grass in the background]

Here we are with our sites...

Another screenshot of us on Zoom, this time our backgrounds are the sites we created for our series projects. Everyone is smiling, some people give peace signs with their hands
[Another screenshot of us on Zoom, this time our backgrounds are the sites we created for our series projects. Everyone is smiling, some people give peace signs with their hands]

MC Otani

My favorite memory of the class was touring through Nazli's, Bhavani's, Eric's, and Tiger's work. It was probably one of the only times where zoom was actually the best and most appropriate platform to teach/communicate/learn about web design.

Amanda Koym

My favorite memory from this class actually has to do with the presentation of our series websites. I remember just feeling really down after I presented mine. The critique felt as though it was expecting me to know more about HTML and CSS than I could have given the time constraints. However, i saved my classmates's feedback and put it in a note to read when I was in a better headspace to continue editing my website. I'm so glad I did this, as the note was a way for me to regain confidence about my code and address what needed to change when I presented "excuse my enthusiasm" again.

A second but just as dear memory has to do with watching other's presentations and finding out what they were interested in. I loved getting to know others and how they think through their works and how they implemented feedback.


I also really enjoyed sharing and receiving tours of digital spaces with our guests. As MC wrote, the digital format of this class is so fitting for sharing the work of the semester! It was fun to watch Naz and Tiger's videos beforehand, sharing our thoughts with them in their guestbooks, and then getting to meet them over Zoom.

Kelly Petrino

My favorite memory from the class was getting to present our Series projects and see what our classmates had created. I really enjoyed getting feedback on my own project, especially from our guests, as it gave me a lot of good ideas to expand the project and make it better. I would never have thought of including hover images on the floor plan to make it more interactive and fun. I also relaly a ppreciated the feedback on which images to use where. It was reassuring to hear that others enjoyed my project and were able to share in my memories with my roommates.

Sophie Torres

So I thought that Tiger Dingsun's stuff was really cool. I thought that all of the visitors were really cool, but idk there was something about his stuff in particular that I enjoyed. Like I've been combing through his website after class and just enjoying his work so I guess that might have been my favorite memory? Also, I really enjoy that feeling of when you can't figure somerthing out on your website and then all of the sudden you figure out the issue and it just all works. That might not be in this class but I associate it heavily with this class so it feels relevant to me.

Ally Kim

I loved being able to create my own website by learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and also learning how to buy a domain and publish my site online. I've always wanted to make my own website, so by taking this class, I was able to fulfill one of my bucket list goals. I really enjoyed learning about the art of gathering and becoming a host myself for my own gathering. I've always been fearful of leading a large social gathering, but this helped me realize that I can become better at it, as long as I put the effort to learn the "art" of gathering :)

Armani Aguiar

I enjoyed being able to exercise my creative side and seeing the creative processes of others. The html and css tutorials were really helpful and getting sites running on the web seems a lot simpler now with GitHub pages. I was able to exercise my creative side more freely because I realized there isn’t much limitations besides what I currently know about html/css.